Sports4Kids (Afterschool Provision)
Sports4Kids (Afterschool Provision)
Wraparound Care with Sport4Kids
Breakfast Club
Sport4Kids will be operating their fun and active Breakfast Clubs at Forge Wood Primary School for children whose parents need to drop children off at school before the start of the school day.
The Club gives children the chance to enjoy physical and mental wellbeing activities whilst being supported by Sport4Kids coaches teaching sports and fun games. Children will be able to enjoy a range of activities each morning which might include team sports, active games, ball games as well as allowing time for snacks and non-sporty activities like crafting and mindfulness.
The Breakfast Club runs daily from 7:30am – 8.45am during term time (School gates open at 8.40am). Fees are payable via the Sport4Kids website at a cost of £7.00 per child ( - bookable by individual sessions, or a term at a time. Sport4Kids accept all major Childcare Vouchers as a form of payment, including tax-free childcare.
After School Care Club
Sport4Kids also run the after school care provision at Forge Wood Primary School. Children who attend will enjoy choosing from lots of fun activities, such as reading books, puzzles, board games, drawing, along with outdoor sports and games lead by Sport4Kids specialist sports coach. A snack will be provided.
The times and pricing of the After School Care club is below;
After School Club (Early Finish) 3.10pm - 4.30pm - £7.00 per child
After School Club (Late Finish) 3.10pm - 6.00pm - £13.00 per child
Sport4Kids accept all major Childcare Vouchers as a form of payment, including tax-free childcare. Parents can book via the Sport4Kids website here -